DEP provides a comprehensive range of resources to bolster internet access and digital literacy across Idaho. This includes curated materials for affordable broadband solutions, internet-enabled devices, digital literacy training, technical assistance, and information on broadband funding programs, technical grants, broadband data, and local government resources to empower communities for digital growth.
Affordable, Robust Broadband Internet Service
Idaho Commission for Libraries Public Wi-Fi Map
Idaho Commission for Libraries Public Wi-Fi Map shows free public Wi-Fi hotspots at Idaho’s Public Libraries.
The Idaho State Department of Education (SDE) Broadband Program
Responsible for reimbursing Idaho’s E-rate eligible entities for the remaining portion of eligible broadband costs.
Idaho State Department of Education’s Empowering Parents Program
Provides funding for Idaho students to purchase internet devices.
Circulating Mobile Hotspots - Idaho Commission for Libraries
See if your public library is circulating mobile cellular wi-fi hotspots to be checked out by patrons.
Universal Service Administrative Co. (LifeLineSupport.org)
Eligible consumers can get up to $9.25 off the cost of phone, internet, or bundled services.
Find Internet Providers in Your Area
Learn about plans and bundles from various Internet providers available in your area. This includes resources to help you determine what you really need in an Internet plan based on your household use.
Speed Test (ImagineIdaho.org)
Unsure if you’re getting the Internet speeds you pay for? Take Imagine Idaho’s speed test to get a snapshot of your upload and download speeds to be better informed as you make decisions about your internet package.
Internet Enabled Devices
Idaho Empowering Parents Program
Provides eligible families with grants funds for use toward eligible education services and devices.
Idaho Commission for Libraries Connection Communities Digital Inclusion Program
Provides Chromebooks and accessories to public libraries throughout Idaho for the purpose of expanding digital inclusion, equity, and literacy efforts.
PCs for People
Provides refurbished computers to eligible customers for affordable prices.
Provides refurbished laptop computers for libraries, nonprofits, and others.
Idaho Assistive Technology Project (IdahoaT.org)
Provides support for individuals with disabilities and older persons in their personal selection of assistive technology. Services include lending libraries assistive devices for short-term trial and use across the state, assistive technology device distribution programs for eligible individuals, a statewide website to facilitate reuse, resale and loans of assistive technology, and affordable financial loans to help you buy the technology you need.
Applications that Encourage Digital Self Sufficiency and Collaboration with Greater Accessibility
Includes resources in both English and Spanish for digital skills development, online services for technical assistance from a digital navigator, and an in-person digital navigator directory.
Idaho Digital E-Book Alliance (IDEA)
A statewide partnership between the Idaho Commission for Libraries (ICfL), public libraries, and school libraries with the goal of expanding access while reducing barriers to digital e-books and e-audio.
Libraries Linking Idaho (LiLI)
A group of projects and services that bring networked library service to the residents of Idaho.
Idaho Relay Service
Provides telecommunications relay services for the state of Idaho including TTY, Voice Carry Over (VCO), Hearing Carry Over (HCO), Speech-to-Speech (STS), Visually Assisted Speech-to-Speech (VA STS), Spanish and CapTel®.
Idaho Assistive Technology Project (IdahoaT.org)
Provides support for individuals with disabilities and older persons in their personal selection of assistive technology. Services include in-person consultations, in-person and online training and technical assistance, hands-on device demonstrations, conferences, fairs and other resources.
Free LinkedIn Learning Account
Every Idahoan is eligible to get a FREE LinkedIn Learning account! Sign up through Equus Workforce Solutions-Idaho to access thousands of online courses to grow your skills or advance your career.
Digital Skills Library
An open repository of free learning resources designed to help all adult learners develop the digital skills needed to achieve their personal, civic, educational, and career goals.
Funding Resources, Tools, and Data
DEA Population Viewer
The Digital Equity Act Population Viewer includes five (5) thematic maps to explore.
Idaho Department of Commerce Broadband Funding
US Department of Agriculture Broadband Program
Provides broadband funding opportunities, and e-connectivity Toolkit, and telecom grant resources.
National Telecommunications and Information Administration Local Government Resources
Resources for grants, Broadband, Digital
Inclusion, and more.
Washington State University Extension’s Broadband Resource Workbook
Provides information, templates, and worksheets to assist in building a local broadband action plan.
Idaho Digital Access Workbook
This workbook is to help communities throughout Idaho form action groups to start investigating and defining their local digital inclusion needs.
Digital Access for All Idahoans Plan – Idaho Commission for Libraries
Learn about grant programs, tools and resources available as part of the Digital Access for All Idahoans (DAAI) Plan. Sign up to receive communications about state digital access initiatives and join a coalition of partners working to increase digital opportunities for Idahoans.
Extension Resources for Digital Skill Building & Digital Volunteer Initiative
The DEP is proud to be a contributing member of the National Digital Education Extension Team. The group has created digital skills lesson plans as well as a guidebook to assist state or local Extension programs implement a digital volunteer (paid or unpaid) program.
Idaho Indicators
Idaho Indicators provides up-to-date information for Idaho and its counties, including 48 indicators in nine general categories: Population, Income and poverty, Employment, Family and kids, Education, Housing, Health, Crime and safety, County types